Exploring Healthy Food In The World : Embracing the Traditional Way of Eating Indian Cuisine
Updated: Nov 13, 2023
Written By Niti Dhulla
Edited & Presented By Foodogma
Healthy Food And Diets
Over the last few decades, there has been a major shift in our eating patterns across the globe. The fast-paced lives we lead, leaves us with a very short span to time to understand, learn and explore our traditional food wisdom. And the results are quite detrimental. We are slowly but steadily moving towards becoming the World’s most obese country. We are already the Diabetic Capital of the Globe. To sum it up, when we shifted from our traditional goodness, we lost nutrition!
Edible vegetable oil good or bad
Seeds, nuts, cereal grains, and fruits are all sources of vegetable oils. They didn't exist until the early 1900s due to a lack of technology that allowed for the chemical extraction process. Vegetable oils, unlike mustard oil, cannot be extracted simply by pressing or separating. Chemically, they must be eliminated, deodorized , and changed. As a result, vegetable oils go through a lot of chemical changes. Vegetable oil is used in almost all processed meals. That is why it is advisable to consume Ghee and Mustard oil.
Highest Protein Beans And Legumes
Great Northern Beans
These white beans are small in size yet packed with metabolism-boosting protein. If you're prone to cramping, pay attention: A half-cup of potassium is equivalent to a medium banana. Protein, per 1/2 cup: 9.7 grams.
Lentils have been shown in tests to help manage blood sugar levels and promote digestive health. Lentils are delicious in soups and salads, but they may also be used to bulk up meaty recipes like meatballs and meatloaf. Protein in lentils, per 1/2 cup: 9 grams.
Split Peas
Split peas and green peas are both made from the same plant; the only variation is in the way they're processed. Green peas are peeled, dried, and skinned, and the skin removal encourages the pea to split naturally. They have more protein than their full-grown green siblings because they are more compact. Make a dal or simmer them in Split Pea Soup. Protein in split peas, per 1/2 cup: 8.2 grams.
Healthy Food High Protein
Black Beans
Black beans, like other beans, include resistant starch, which is a form of starch that does not break down as quickly as other carbs and hence does not elevate blood sugar levels as much. Protein in black beans, per 1/2 cup: 7.6 grams.
Black-Eyed Peas
Black-eyed peas are a great source of iron, vitamin B9 and folate. Protein in black-eyed peas, per 1/2 cup: 7.5 grams.
Healthy Food With High Fiber
India is where wheat is grown as staple food
Wheat is the most important staple crop in temperate regions, and demand is rising. Wheat is a major source of starch and energy, but it also contains a number of nutrients that are essential or beneficial to one's health, such as protein, vitamins (especially B vitamins), dietary fibre, phytochemicals, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer (particularly colorectal cancer).
Non caloric sweeteners examples
Noncaloric sweeteners (NCS) are sugar substitutes that give sweetness without calories. Their use has grown in popularity among people of all ages, including children, all across the world. Eight varieties of non-nutritive sweeteners have been approved by the FDA for use in food, beverages, oral care items, and some pharmaceuticals. Advantame, which is 20,000 times sweeter than sugar, is the most recent addition.
Sucrose, corn syrup, honey, agave nectar, Advantame, Stevia, Sucralose are some examples of non-caloric sweeteners.
Pickles Benefit
Indian Pickles And Chutneys
Pickles and chutneys are a great way to add variety to your diet. It's simply a matter of determining which option is the healthiest without putting your health at risk!
Rujuta Diwekar, a celebrity nutritionist who has helped many celebrities lose weight by eating Indian food, recommends that everyone eat at least add a tablespoon or two of achaar (pickle) every day. Chutneys are similar to dips and sauces in that they are healthier.
Pickles are similar to fermented foods in the process of being made. When you combine the oil and salt, the good bacteria on the surface have a chance to proliferate, which is beneficial to the stomach because they have antibacterial characteristics. As a result, the salt in them will not cause high blood pressure, but will instead improve digestion. You can also use healthy alternatives like sendha namak (rock salt) to reduce the salt content. The same may be said about oil. Pickles are also typically produced from the finest veggies, which include high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, antioxidants, and folate, all of which are beneficial to the health. In fact, eating it in the appropriate amounts can help reduce the risk of bloating, anaemia, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). As a result, pickle is not at all unhealthy.
Healthy Food With No Carbs
Chutneys are a healthy alternative to calorie-dense dips and condiments. Not to mention that they are as fresh as they come. Fresh roots and leaves are used to make chutney, ensuring that you obtain all of the benefits from the raw materials. They're also fat-free and use a small amount of oil. Garlic, ginger, salt, or sugar, for example, can be added to make them even healthier and more helpful. They safeguard your body against any threat and keep it protected from free radicals, which can harm your DNA structuring, thanks to the amount of antioxidants they contain. The enzymes included in it aid to keep digestive problems at bay because it is raw in nature. As a result, it is suggested right from the start, parents feed their children chutneys and traditional culinary preparations to eat.
Tomato Chutney
Let’s take the example of our good old chutneys – tamarind, coriander, mint, kulith, til, coconut, daliya, peanuts and on and on. We shifted to the standard Tomato ketchup/ sauce and then the schezwan chutney, vinegar and soy sauce entered. Here is what we gained from this shift -
Preservatives (lead to imbalances at various levels in the body)🤐
Call for lifestyle diseases like hypertension (these chutneys are high in sodium based chemicals) ⬆️
Welcomed food colours ( many of which are known carcinogens)🍟
Ensured high intake of sugar...Aha invitation to...
Fungal infections like mucomycosis 🧫
Diabetes (medications, food restrictions, low on energy) 💊
Pcos (menstrual pain, irregulated periods, facial hair) 🙆♀️
Obesity (consistent weight gain 🤢
Hypothyroid (low metabolism, dark and patchy skin, body odour, hairfall) 🤥
Switch back to our traditional home-made chutneys and say bye to Vitamin B12, folic acid and B6 deficiency....Stay FREE from body aches, fatigue, hairfall, dull skin, digestive issues, tingling sensations in feet, mouth sores, mood changes and weak immunity 🤩
Nutrition lies in these small tricks that were smartly weaved into our daily lives. Let us pledge not to give up on them and make our country a healthier one.
In contrast to the earlier century, when home gardening was highly prevalent and people preferred fresh-foods without additional chemicals, the availability of medications and fancy powders has led to an imbalance of health and nutrition in the present era. Many scientists and doctors advise us to eat more garlic, ginger, black pepper, turmeric, and other spices. As a result, what humans have forgotten to include in their meals is now compelled to do so due to their advantages. As a result, various sorts of lifestyle-related disorders are produced by our bad way of life and can be prevented or cured by reintroducing ancient health and nutritional knowledge into practice.
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Dietitian Near Me
Niti Dhulla is the Owner and Founder at Online Nutrition Consultancy “NutriDietByNitiDhulla”
Winner of Dr.K.U.Naram Award -AFSTI. Currently she is a Nutritionist and Lifestyle coach and has proudly achieved the degree of Gold Medalist in Foods Nutrition and Dietetics. Niti Dhulla is a fitness enthusiast, a Certified Yoga Instructor and a Certified Acupressure Therapist. Feel free to take her guidance by contacting her at the below links.
Instagram - @NutriDietByNitiDhulla | Facebook - NutriDietByNitiDhulla | Email - nutridietbynitidhulla@gmail.com
M. Kim, G. Lee, H. S. Lim et al., “Safety assessment of 16 sweeteners for the Korean population using dietary intake monitoring and poundage method,” Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, vol. 34, no. 9, pp. 1500–1509, 2017.
A. Roberts, “The safety and regulatory process for low calorie sweeteners in the United States,” Physiology and Behavior, vol. 164, pp. 439–444, 2016.
“Norma general del CODEX para los aditivos alimentarios Revisión 2011 (GSFA, CODEXSTAN 192-1995),” http://www.fao.org/gsfaonline/docs/CXS_192s
“Statement of EFSA on the scientific evaluation of two studies related to the safety of artificial sweeteners,” EFSA Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 2089, 2011.
Explore The Healthy Food In The World With Indian Tradition. Find Out Healthy Food And Diets. You Must Know Highest Protein Beans And Legumes. Find Out Healthy Food With High Fiber. Checkout Pickles Benefit. Know The Use Of Healthy Food High Protein. You’ll Be Shocked To Know Healthy Food With No Carbs. Find Out Tomato Chutney Recipe At Foodogma Blog https://www.foodogma.com/healthy-food-tip