Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Are you’re confused? What constitutes a healthy diet? We don’t blame you. Foodogma is there to help you.
There’s no need to stress over the scale anymore. Eating healthy without the hassle doesn’t require counting calories, calculating macronutrients, or buying pricey prepackaged superfoods or meal subscription services.
Turns out, you can boost your energy, lift your mood, help ward off chronic disease, and trim your waistline all at once, simply doing minute lifestyle change.
If you’re looking for the easiest healthy eating plan to help you meet your goals without the fuss, MyIndianPlate may be just the plan you’ve been searching for. That’s because it:
• Visually fill your healthy Indian plate anywhere.
• It Makes you eat enough fruits and vegetables to obtain required vitamins and minerals.
• Encourages you to get enough lean protein without overdoing it.
• Can accommodate vegetarian, vegan, and other diets.
• Decreases your risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.
How many calories are their in an Indian food plate?
CALORIES is a unit of meaurement indicating the amount of energy released when the body breaks down (digests and absorbs) food. As the food breaks down and is digested, it releases calories. When it releases more calories than needed by the body as energy to sustain, the extra calories get stored as fat. As long as your body is using up all the calories released by the food you eat, you are able to maintain your weight, but whenever there is an imbalance, you have a greater tendency to gain weight.
National institute for Nutrition, recommends a healthy 1900Kcal/day for a woman (sedentary) and 2300Kcals/day for Men (Sedentary).
An average Indian food plate covers between 2000Kcals/day to 23000Kcal/day depending on minimal serving size.
Everyone has different nutritional needs , but you can make a good start in meeting yours by choosing one item from each of the following lists to build your meal.

Fruit Should Make Up ¼ of Your Plate (1.5 to 2 Cups Daily)
When it comes to fruit, canned varieties and 100% fruit juice count toward your intake, but Foodogma and registered dietitians alike recommend choosing fruits in their whole, unprocessed form as much as possible. Juicing strips the beneficial fiber from fruit, reducing it to a sugary drink that can cause blood sugar spikes and weight gain. Not to mention that many commercial juices contain added sugar.Here are some examples of fruit to focus on:
Acai berries
Berries (such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries)
Dragon Fruit
Elderberry (safe to eat when cooked)
Melon (such as watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew)
Vegetables Should Make Up More Than ¼ of the Plate (2.5 to 3 Cups Daily) Vegetables are a great addition to any meal because they’re packed with the vitamins and minerals your body needs to flourish, including bone- and muscle-supporting potassium; but did you know that the best way to enjoy them is by having lots of different kinds during the day and week? That’s because all vegetables have a different balance of vitamins and minerals, so the more varieties you eat, the more you’ll be covering your nutritional bases
Leafy greens (such as Kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, spinach, etc.)
Bell peppers
Beans and legumes
White potatoes and sweet potatoes
Protein Should Make Up ¼ of Your Plate (About 56 grams Daily or roughly 1/2 cup) As with vegetables, a diet with a variety of protein sources gives your body a broader range of the valuable nutrients it needs.
Grains Should Make Up ¼ of Your Plate (About 56 grams Daily or roughly 1/2 cup, at Least ½ From Whole Grains) All grains count, but whole grains (those in their most natural and unprocessed state) provide the most fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Whole grains have a milder effect on blood sugar and insulin than refined grains.As a result, Foodogma recommends getting at least half of your grains from whole grains, but more than half is even better!
Brown Rice
Oats or oat meal
Whole-grain bread (look for whole-grain flour as the first ingredient listed)
Whole-grain cereal (look for whole grains as the first ingredient listed)
Whole-grain crackers (look for whole grains as the first ingredient listed)
DAIRY Aim for 1 Serving of Dairy per Meal (Up to 3 Cups Daily) Dairy provides loads of protein, calcium, and other minerals, such as iodine and it can be a nutritious addition to a healthy diet. Choose fat-free and low-fat (1 percent) varieties as often as possible. That’ll help cut down on saturated fat intake. According to National Institute of Nutrition, replacing foods high in saturated fat with foods high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help boost your heart health.
Fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) milk
Fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) plain yogurt
Fat-free or low-fat (1 percent) cottage cheese
Reduced-fat cheese
Soy milk
Try to Use 5 to 7 Teaspoons of Oil Daily All fats and oils are not created equal! You’ll want to include healthy fats, like those listed here, as often as you can in your meals. This amount includes any oil you might add to your food! (Note that coconut oil is not considered as healthy as the oils below, because it is 90 percent saturated fat, according to Harvard Health Publishing.)
Olive Oil
Vegetable oil
Canola oil
Nut butters
Nuts and seeds
Even if you can’t perfectly match all the recommendations set forth by My Indian food plate, take a look at the guide and select one healthy change that you can make and stick with. As NIN says, “MyIndian Plate provides useful tips on how to make small, meaningful changes people can enjoy and that work for them.” You can feel good knowing that you’ve taken a step in the right direction, no matter how large that step may be.
Dr. Rupali Dutta, National Institute of Nutrition(NIN). “Count Your Calories: Here’s How Your Average Indian Lunch Thali Features On The Calorie Chart.” NDTV Food, Accessed 16 July 2020.
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